
Tuesday 19 March 2013

My time at Eastern beach

One very hot, boiling day the whole school went to Eastern Beach. Some sadly had to stay back at school. We left school and as soon we got there I went about in my bare feet. My feet were so hot that it felt like acid all around my feet. So I quickly put my shoes on and came to the class to have morning tea. Then I went off with my friends to play volleyball. After this we got ready to have a swim. We waited and waited, then  it was our turn. We played and played. The water was cold as cold ice blocks. We played hand games in the water. It was fun. I got so hungry. Finally it was lunchtime.  We got changed and I had my lunch. I had chocolate fudge. It came from my mum’s bag and I took it out. I gobbled it up like a pig. I was jealous because the year 7 & 8’s went Kayaking. Then we got to have another swim. Then I played football in the water with my brother. I got tackled in the water. Then I went to rush my brother and tackled him in the water. That was my revenge back on him. Then it was  home time. I felt so happy when it was home time because I could finally have my sleep time. Then off we went in the bus and I slept in the bus for a while. Then we had to go back to class. It was boring waiting 40 minutes for the bell to go. Then the bell rang and I went home to have a sleep. It was a fun day at Eastern Beach. I had the best day and I enjoyed it. It was a really good day.

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